Gameplay video

Alpha demo video

Main character concept art

Main character concept art

Main character model sheet

Boss concept art and metrics

Level 1 & 2 BGM - Solitude Factory

Level 3 BGM - Solitude Factory (Overdrive)

Boss BGM - Dead of Dawn

Project Amatsuki

PROJECT AMATSUKI is a 3D bullet hell shoot 'em up developed as part of the capstone year at Sheridan College’s game design program. Team Galaxy Brain (Dexter Truong, Tianyao Liu, Nicola Battista) developed this game to provide a semi-hardcore experience for seasoned players of similar genres, while tackling the challenges in translating traditionally 2D design to 3D space. The result is a vertical slice of what a full game can look like.

The player is given access to a multitude of abilities, including free flight, dodging with invincibility to projectiles, time slow, and a plethora of weapons adapted to different scenarios, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The player must traverse through several levels consisting of waves of different enemies that fire dense projectile patterns, ultimately culminating in a challenging boss battle.

My responsibilities on this project were as follows:
• Create concept art for the player character and boss with attention to their functionality
• Design, prototype and program gameplay and systems
• Design and implement the boss battle
• Create 3D animations for all characters
• Implement sound and compose background music
• Create user interface and visual effects

Shoot 'em up